Saturday, February 4, 2012

Six Word Saturday..02.04.12

No more dust in my computer!

After I blew all the dust out of my computer, there was a real mess here on the desk. I cleaned that up to find dust all over the windowsill. And the curtains. And the dog. The dog was not impressed by the dust free computer. She sneezed and snorted and finally settled in and took a nap.

Yes, there is Penny, snoozing on my pillows. It's a dogs life I guess.


  1. It is heavily used and still collects dust. Amazing to me how that happens.
    Have a good weekend.

    1. Our house is insanely dusty. Cleaning up the dust seems to generate more dust. It' a vicious cycle...

  2. Replies
    1. Eugene really likes to cuddle with Penny. But, sometimes he cuddles too much for Penny's liking and she sends him away.

  3. Poor dog. She pays the price for your clean computer. I have never done that, mine always break before we get to down deep dusting.

    Thanks for peeking in on my Six today. It's been a while since I've checked with the old gang. Guess I should see what Quilly is doing. She stopped coming round me. Probably I was a pest.

    Please forgive me for taking so long to return your comment. I've been to church this morning for a Sunday school training session and after that Mrs. Jim had some shopping to do. So 'we' shopped forever.

    1. I haven't been around to see the old gang myself lately and I miss everyone! I talk to Quilly every now and then on the phone. She is busy writing full time.
      I'm sorry you had to shop for a long time. I do not love shopping even for a short time!

  4. My Grandson blew the compressor over my laptop and it worked better after blowing out all of the dust and dirt! Thanks for this post...cuz I want to ask him to do that again sometime soon! (:>)

    1. My computer is humming along nicely, I think it is happy to have had a good dusting.

  5. My husband routinely vacs our computer because he says dust is the biggest pc killer.

    1. I usually use a can of compressed air on my PC. It works good.


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