Sunday, February 24, 2013

Everybody Likes Cats, Right?

Eugene sleeping in a drawer...

Gene waking up from a nap...

Gene wondering what to do with the rest of his day.

Stanley learning to address envelopes.

Stanley failing at addressing envelopes...

Penny, Nelle and Baby Philip sharing nap time.

Tiny cat, found in a shrub, Pilgrim Hill Rd.

Tiny cat, still tiny.

Nora, tiny as ever, weighs all of 5 pounds.


  1. Sweet kitties -- well, except for the monitor spill -- I would hug and kiss them all (and probably suffer kitty wrath and scratches for it).

  2. Mr. Chewey ponders he same way... maybe they are related. :)

  3. My fav pic is the cat, the dog and the babe all chillin'

  4. Cats are great. They are sometimes like evil ninja monkeys but otherwise great. :D


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