Monday, April 2, 2012

The A-Z Challenge - The Letter B!

The A-Z Challenge continues with the letter B!

Each year at the greenhouses we grow Brugmansia. They are absolutely stunning flowering plants native to South America. Every year I say I'm going to bring a couple home and I haven't yet. This year I want three to make a really nice background for a new garden I'm planning. 

Nice, huh? 

I don't have any pictures of my own, but I found this picture here.
We grow ours as annuals because of the short growing season here and they get about 3-4 ft high.
In their native places they can grow much bigger.
I have no idea what colors we'll grow, but I'm pretty excited about my new garden. Any color I can get will be super!


  1. Very pretty flowers! And it is that time of year for planting and beautifying yards. Isn't it great?

    I am visiting your blog as a fellow participant in the A to Z Challenge. Have a great week!

  2. I have seen these in Hawaii. They are huge! There is one called Chocolate that actually smells like cocoa butter. Amazing!

  3. Wow. Those are beautiful! Can you grow them in a pot and take them in each year so they can come back?

  4. These are very gorgeous!

    Thank you for sharing!!

    ~Ola (a to z visitor)

  5. Those are truly a gorgeous flower. I was looking for something cool to hang on my balcony, I think I will check these out!


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