Monday, August 6, 2012

I'm baaaack...


I know you guys haven't heard from me in awhile. I've been busy, very busy, hatching an evil plan.

 When I haven't been working my a$$ off, I've been making waffles. Yep, waffles. I was cleaning out kitchen cabinets last May and I came across a brand spanking new waffle iron. It was slightly dusty, but I took care of that in short order.

My family hasn't eaten a meal in months that didn't include waffles. Chocolate chip waffles, fruit topped waffles, waffles with savory fillings and straight up waffles with maple syrup.Waffles with steak, waffles with cheese, waffles with soup and stew.

 Lately, there has been a revolt. The people here said if I don't quit it with the waffles they won't come home for dinner anymore.

Success! My evil plan worked...


  1. We were just saying that we should borrow my mothers waffle maker...


    1. i think you'll have fun making waffles. i did. i had to do a few test runs first,though. i had the waffle iron too hot, then it wasn't hot enough. after i had all that mastered, i had to adjust for the stuff i added. that was another learning curve...

  2. Glad you're back!

    1. glad to be back and glad you stopped in to visit! how is your shade garden? doing well, i hope...

  3. LOL! I need a waffle maker. What brand do you have? Better yet, why don't I just tell Charley you make waffles for every meal? I'm sure he'll show up at your table posthaste!

    1. mum gave me the waffle iron for christmas last year or maybe the year before. i'm ashamed to say i had forgotten about it. i'm really glad i found it...


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