Saturday, January 23, 2010

Six Word Saturday

my future:
thousands of coleus cuttings!

go to cate for more six word saturday...


  1. I have no idea what a coleus is, TIlden, but I'm sure you're right.

  2. Oooooo pretty!! Why thousands though? Are you a horticulturist? I do not have a green thumb at all everything I try to grow dies. Except my rosemary plant those things are hardy!! (Thank God!) It doesnt help that the little ones who 'helped' me water my indoor plants watered them three times a day either though. Lol

    Happy 6WS, wish I lived close enough to get a few cuttings myself!


  3. I love Coleus. Can you carry one with you while you walk cross country to help me unpack?

  4. coleus is a good plant
    yes Q
    i will bring you one

  5. Just too many of those plants.
    A six word response from the

  6. I love Coleus! Always have it in my gardens and planters. Come on spring...!

  7. That's a lot. I don't know what coleus are (assuming a flower) but that's a lot of anything!

    Thanks for playing 6WS!


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