Friday, November 5, 2010

Weekend Reflections - Faux France...

I had a great time mosey-ing around the world...

 Nice reflection...

Rubbish Bin
France, World Showcase, Walt Disney World 

If you want to see some really stunning reflection photos, take a trip over to see James at Newtown Area Photo. You won't be disappointed!


  1. Terrific reflections for the day! That rubbish bin looks a whole lot better than most of the ones I see here! Hope you have a great weekend, Tilden! And thanks for stopping by my blog and for your comment, always appreciated!


  2. Quite amazing how you transmuted some trash in beauty. Thanks for the sharing !

  3. I still wish I had gone with you. Maybe now that Amoeba plans to move back to Hawaii without me .....


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