Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ruby Tuesday...



Ruby Tuesday is brought to you by Mary the Teach.

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  1. I LIKE that little red caboose! I forgot to play RT today. I forgOt that it was Tuesday today... *sigh*

  2. Nice caboose -- and I forgot Tuesday, too. I mean, I knew it was Tuesday because I had a job interview. But I forgot why it mattered that it is Tuesday.

  3. Travel was more fun in the days of that little red caboose, still fascinating and new. :)

  4. Great caboose picture...thanks for sharing :)

  5. My friend Jen has pictures on her facebook of her recent trip to Edaville with her son. They went on a Thomas day. He looks like he's having so much fun.

  6. what a cute little RED caboose..reminds of a story i used to read to my kids when they were little :)

  7. Don't see so many of these anymore. So much of Americana fades away each day...what a nice red reminder.

  8. Darn, I keep forgetting to play this too! I like your choice; we just spent a very train-y summer thanks to our autistic son who just can't get enough. When he's finished his homework I'll show him this. Happy Tuesday!

  9. In the red caboose
    the brakemen play poker while
    hurtling down the tracks.

    My Ruby Tuesday

  10. Cute photo for Ruby day.
    Thanks for sharing a peek into something that not everyone gets to see much of.

  11. Hi Tilden,
    Quilly just told me that you work at Edaville RR. My family and I are going to be there today. We are coming for the story book characters.


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