Sunday, August 15, 2010

New Restaurant Equipment - That Is My Wish...

We are doing a remodel of the kitchen at work. Two of our ovens are quite old. Rob said he's going to replace one, and shop for other restaurant equipment that will suit our needs better than what we have now. I put my vote in for a six burner gas range with a convection oven underneath. I've been looking at some professional cookware to go with it. Even though we have a 20 quart mixer, I would love to have a 5 quart mixer. The 5 qt is small, fits on a table and I can actually lift it!

Wasserstrom restaurant supplies offers everything I'm looking for with seriously discounted pricing. I've been through a bunch of catalogs and talked to countless salesmen. I know exactly what I want, so I don't need to be "sold" on anything. Shopping for restuarant supplies can be daunting. Each piece of equipment, small or large, comes with so many variations one can easily be confused. I've worked in kitchens for so long, I blow right by that confusion to "this is what I want." Waaserstom's online catalog makes it easy to find what I want, get the specs, see reviews and ask a question.

Professional chefs have been counting on Wasserstrom for more than 100 years. They provide high quality products from the food service industries leading manufacturers. I just hope Rob will have them deliver some high quality products to me!

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