Saturday, October 16, 2010

"Grandmother," That's Who...

Who wears black and a string of pearls to a picnic? 

"I thought I told you not to take my picture."


  1. My Grandmother absolutely forbade us to take her picture. I think in all my life I have maybe 1 or 2 pictures of her. :) Love this one :)

  2. I like pearls and black. I would have matched Grandmother.

  3. Must have been a SUNDAY picnic! Looks like she has her Sunday Hat on too... or Sunday Hair Net I guess... you know...

  4. HA HA that looks like a "manda" face! Take your pick, yours or mine...very cute LOL Love the old pictures!

  5. She never went out without them. I don't ever remember seeing a pix of her without them around her neck, either.

  6. Love that pouty face! Your grandmother was very elegant and proper. Who inherited that trait?


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